The News Room is supposed to be separate from the Editorial Board.
This is ethical journalism 101.
There’s not a shot in hell after all these years the Los Angeles Times on either the reporting or the editorial side are a credible source in anything either. They’ve endorsed degenerate hypocrites such as the Kircher of the North, promoted energy illiteracy, and smeared rural folks.
The LA Times’ so-called “energy and environment reporter” Sammy Roth would know this if both he were a legitimate reporter and he worked for a legitimate publication.
The link is here.
This fraud of a reporter deserves the ratio.
Also, grow a pair and remove the mask. That’s so 2020.
This is textbook Cluster B reversal. LA Times cannot even see into the own pile of bullshit they created. Although to be fair their own city is piled so high in human shit perhaps they would not know the difference.
This applies to their other publication, The San Diego Union Tribune. Those assholes didn’t just prop up the abuser-in-chief Gavin NewScum but they endorsed the other thugs who’ve made San Diego a worse place such as Lorena Gonzalez, Nathan Fletcher “the letcher” (gracias La Prensa SD por tenar las bolas para cubrir este pinche hijo de puta), developer’s bitch Todd Gloria, fraud bicycle advocate Catherine Blakespear, and ex Misery Industry thug Terra Lawson-Remer, among others.
Y gracias a Rosario for being someone to see through the grift and fraud pushed by the so-called progressives and their propaganda outlets.
Oh yeah. That’s
‘s excellent piece from two years ago about how California’s energy policies are regressive to the poor, and especially the Latino community.While the LA Times was too busy fapping to LatinX, a term rejected by la mayoria, a journalist from Texas (gasp! of all places) actually covered real issues with real Californians.
Quoting the piece:
The Latino backlash against California’s climate policies — which has largely been ignored by state and national media outlets — exposes the growing chasm between the state’s powerful bureaucracy, which is closely aligned with California’s entrenched environmental groups, and the Latino and demographic realities of America’s most-populous state. It also presages a potential clash at the national level if federal policymakers attempt to implement California’s stringent climate measures throughout the rest of the country.
Rosario also reminded us of Caprentz. A piece on her and the Climate Action Campaign is coming. It’s going to be a good one too. Stay tuned.
Yeah, Rosario gets it.
Regular Californians have really been taken for a ride.
We will prevail.
People’s Republic of California indeed, complete with a news media propaganda arm. They no longer report news - it’s all opinion sprinkled with facts to support the woke climate hysteria narrative. But at least the weather is nice. 😂
Gavin NewScum! LOL. Perfect.