“Obsessive climate disorder” (thanks,
) is going places, this time among the halls of the Colorado State Capitol and potentially to a failing school near you.Posted with little to no comment and pasted from the website of the Colorado General Assembly (Legislature).
A full PDF of the bill is also “attached” in this post.
Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement
Concerning authorization for granting a high school diploma endorsement related to climate literacy.
2024 Regular Session
Education & School Finance (Pre & K-12)
The bill authorizes a school district, board of cooperative services, district charter high school, or institute charter high school (local education provider) to grant a high school diploma endorsement in climate literacy (seal of climate literacy) to graduating students who demonstrate mastery in climate literacy and attain green skills or technical green skills. To obtain a seal of climate literacy, a student must complete the minimum high school graduation requirements of the local education provider, successfully complete 2 courses in the area of climate literacy selected by the local education provider, and successfully complete a final experiential learning project (final project) that is approved, supported, and facilitated by a climate literacy experiential learning provider (learning provider).
The local education provider may collaborate with local businesses, nonprofit organizations, industry leaders, and institutions of higher education to support students' climate literacy.
Beginning with students in the sixth grade, each local education provider shall annually notify students and their legal guardians of the requirements for obtaining a seal of climate literacy.
On or before July 1, 2025, and every July 1 thereafter, each local education provider shall collect data on the seal of climate literacy, including:
The schools that awarded the seal of climate literacy;
The number of students who received the seal of climate literacy;
The types of final projects students have completed;
The names of the learning providers that approve, support, and facilitate students' final projects;
A list of academic courses students have completed to earn the seal of climate literacy; and
Any other findings related to the seal of climate literacy.
On or before October 1, 2025, and every October 1 thereafter, each local education provider shall submit a report to the department of education (department) summarizing the data collected.
The department may collaborate with a nonprofit organization to evaluate the data collected and prepare a report summarizing the data. On or before January 15, 2026, and every January 15 thereafter, the department shall submit the report to the house of representatives education committee and the senate education committee, or their successor committees, and the state board of education.
Not surprised at all. This just makes it easier to see how public education has been dumbed down to indoctrination. My former colleagues, still employed at universities tell me that the incoming freshmen are damaged goods, even in the engineering curricula. Teacher’s unions are the 21st century communist party, spreading the doctrine through schools.
Participation trophies for the poor damaged midwit minds of a future generation.
"Here Jonny, we know you can't read, balance a checkbook, or cook your own food, and obviously you aren't sure which bathroom to use today, but here's shiny certificate we printed in the office for you, just put your name there, where the line is. Now go forth and be a 'climate warrior'."
Since it seems to be without rewards, hopefully, few will pursue this lunacy.