I gave in-person testimony at the hearing for the re-classification on nuclear power as a clean energy source.

I'm a member of Citizens Climate Lobby - a rare climate NGO that supports nuclear power. Four of us testified for the bill, one against. While our national policy is in favor, our Colorado grassroots membership is dominated by Greens. We testified as individuals to avoid a potential civil war in obtaining state approval..

It was my first experience watching a Colorado House or Senate hearing in person. The testimony in favor was overwhelming, with many authoritative experts who demolished fear-mongering of the opposition. It was a rude awakening for the high school student from our group to watch the Democrats vote on party lines, reading their prepared comments, ignoring the preponderance of evidence.

I was fortunate to hang out in the Senate Minority leader's room before the testimony started, chatting for an hour with Grace Stanke. Grace kindly helped other folks with their testimony.

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Thank you for testifying!

Sadly these schisms aren’t limited to pro-nuclear groups. A similar split exists in bicycling advocacy.

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Feb 10Liked by Green Leap Forward

I had no idea you were in Colorado. We’ve worked with Jake Fogelman at the Independence Institute modeling the Colorado Energy Plan

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Yup, I moved back a few months ago and only recently found out about Jared and the Independence Institute!

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Jan 30Liked by Green Leap Forward

Grew up in Colorado and moved away in 2008, then moved back for two years in 2021. It was like California Light, and well on its way to being Eastern California.

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"We ain't seen nothin' yet," is right! The West is fleeting ... and there are key players in the demise of the place. It's interesting that California and the other urban areas of the country aren't revered here, yet they keep coming, and keep over-running our elections with their programmed biomass. The local elections here are less and less locally driven.

It's fascinating to see millions of people fleeing the urban areas of the east, California, and south, to places like Colorado where they claim to appreciate, then decide to vote all the locals out who made the place palatable to them. Colorado's demise is signed, sealed, and delivered ... it's a walking corpse. You can point into a crowd in Colorado and you have a 1 in 5 chance of pointing at a born-and-raised Coloradan.

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