We need as much energy from as many sources as possible to ensure humans flourish. Germany is poster child for what not to do.

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Green Energy has never produced any net power to the user. Fossil Fuels have a long history of producing the power that we need.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Green Leap Forward

Why is the capacity factor of the gas plant so low? Typically I’d expect low 90s. They probably get curtailed during the day when solar is working.

Another way to look at this... replacing a 100 MW gas turbine with wind and storage would require 500 MW of wind and 2000 MWH of storage at a cost of about $ 2 billion, and probably 10 square miles of land. That is for an average day. If you are a grid operator you know average means nothing. You’d really need 5 times as much storage to cover windless days and much more wind to charge it.

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I suspect you’re right on both the capacity factor and curtailment.

This is where I pulled the value.


Individually for those two plants, given they’re right next to their fuel source and there’s likely little room for storage, I’d bet they run far more often than half the time.

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“punched a straw straight-up milkshake-style into the ground and up he/she/they/ze/zir/attack helecopter gushed.” Made me LOL

great article GLF

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May 9, 2023Liked by Green Leap Forward

Lion Hirth is incredible. He will post the most ridiculously underinformed things and cannot bear challenge. His tweet on Energiewende is fine if you are pro the industrial decline of Germany.

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Green Energy is a scam. An honest technical analysis proves there is no net energy from Green Energy projects.

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Am I alone in thinking that windmills are not ugly eyesores?

They are silent white giants, they look rather beautiful to me.

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We are talking about windmills because of the Global Warming scam. NASA measurements have not recorded warming. The sun has been heating the earth from the beginning and the suns heat does not buildup. , yet they want us to believe that the small amount of fossil fuel heat will cause a buildup.

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Do you live near a wind farm? They aren’t silent.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Green Leap Forward

I should have been more clear. They are less noisy than many other things I could live near. I have a two lane road near my home that is a magnet for people for modified and needlessly noisy pickups.

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Same here, there are other sources of noise that are “competition.” The few times I’ve been near wind turbines, the noise I picked up was more from the wind.

Apparently some people (and livestock) are sensitive to them though.

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Another problem, the low variable voltage must DC must be transmitted by land lines to a central point. The environmental impact of those lines has not been studied.

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But we do not need windmills because they do not provide any useable energy and thus cannot replace fossil fuels.

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When do environmentalists talk about refuge energy consumption bu eliminating planned obsolescence?

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Fantastic article, and as a photograph myself, impressed with the demonstration... 👏👏👏

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