The campaign against CO2 started back in the 60s when nuclear power was going to produce all of the electricity we would ever need. It appears from the record that Gore and Kerry may have been shills for the nuclear industry at that time. It was later that they adopted the position that CO2 in the atmosphere was the cause of global warming, a position that has no scientific support, but one that Kerry holds to this day. He recently claimed that the oceans are heating up, a claim that is so stupid It's hard to believe he is serious.

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Interesting. Not surprising the central planners are involved in this area too.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Green Leap Forward

Why do urban cycling enthusiasts always seem to sound vaguely fascist after they pass a certain level of passion?

Oh, and any discussion of what cyclists on city streets are "owed" by their neighbors must include a discussion that they are held FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING ALL THE SAME TRAFFIC LAWS AS THE CARS THEY HATE SO MUCH, AND ENFORCED EVERY BIT AS VIGOROUSLY. Spent a night and morning in the emergency room for a friend who had her skull split open and was concussed by a hit and run cyclist going through a crosswalk at a red light who felt they were saving the earth hard enough to grant them exception to the law.

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