Jan 10, 2023Liked by Green Leap Forward

You gotta admit- “Natural Gas” is the most amazing accidental marketing name ever conceived. It is so much better than that “Synthetic Gas” made from coal...

“It’s NATURAL man!”I can feel my chakras aligning just thinking about it!

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Vaclav Smill makes a similar point in the introduction to his book, “Natural Gas: Fuel for the 21st Century.”


…Valuable Resource with an Odd Name

Natural gas, one of three fossil fuels that energize modern economies, has an oddly indiscriminate name. Nature is, after all, full of gases, some present in enormous volumes, others only in trace quantities. Nitrogen (78.08%) and oxygen (20.94%) make up all but 1% of dry atmosphere’s volume, the rest being constant amounts of rare gases (mainly argon, neon, and krypton altogether about 0.94%) and slowly rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2)….

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Excellent post. Alex Epstein is based and on point. The climate hysteria seems to know no bounds.

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Green Leap Forward

How did CPSC screw things up for bicycling? Your link doesn't work. Just curious.

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