Great piece. It will be ironic if developing world has more reliable energy than developed world over the next 10 years.

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Provided their governments focus on development and not on the green/elite delusions, this could be a good possibility.

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“The Iron Law of Electricity, which says “People, businesses, and countries will do whatever they have to do to get the electricity they need.”

Robert Bryce

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Green Leap Forward

This is all part of the WEF & co.'s "Great Reset" agenda. Crash the economy, impoverish everyone, induce desperation, force bankruptcies, buy everything at fire sale prices, you'll own nothing and they'll be happy (because they own it all).

Unfortunately for them, it's not working out like they expected. Turns out people can get resourceful once they get tipped off to your plans.

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What happened to you in the winter of 1997-98?

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Oops, that's Irina's quote. Fixed.

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