Jan 23Liked by Green Leap Forward

There is a huge error in the capacity of the coal fired plant, Comanche, in Pueblo, CO. This article said it was 1.41 MW. The correct number is 1,635 MW.

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Good catch.

Thank you.

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Nuclear power suffers from a safety problem that is exposed by myself and my co-author in the peer-reviewed journal article at https://www.ndt.net/article/v04n05/oldberg/oldberg.htm , Contrary to the claims of the narcissists, burning fossil fuels does not result in catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW). The appearance that it casuses CAGW results from burning fossil fuels is the result of an application of the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness by the argument made by a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) climate model under which an "abstract" event of the future for Earth's climate system is mistaken for a "concrete" event of the future, where an "abstract" event of the future is "abstracted (removed) from a location in space and time whereas a "concrete" event of the future has such a location.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Referee of the manuscript fot UN IPCC Climate Assessment Report 6) (comments ignored by the UN IPCC)

Advisor to the House Sub-Committee on the Climate Crisis before being shadow banned for repeatedly advising the committee that there was no such crisis.

Los Altos Hills, CA


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Haven't even cleaned up Fukushima. Colorado is nuts. Must be the altitude. Go redesign and spend money not on the nuclear crime syndicate but on conservation. Redo standards and educate.

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Jan 23Liked by Green Leap Forward

What exactly are you planning to conserve when you shut off a gigantic coal power plant in a state with growing electricity needs? If you hate nuclear so much then fight to keep the coal plant open, or join the groups trying to stop fracking bans in the state. I’m guessing you probably prefer to keep buying wind, Solar and batteries made in China with coal, so that’s cool- China doesn’t care about emissions in CO. Your heat pump might turn on once in a while on a mild day with that energy system, but probably not in winter when you want it to.

I’m betting the good people of Colorado will eventually figure out that living in cold houses with no industry sucks. People will remember what life was like in the history books, at least the ones that you can’t find and burn to censor their thoughts.

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I am saying that for the last three decades we could have been teaching the youth and using, actually using the brilliant work done in Golden at the NREL. We know a myriad of ways for solar and thermal mass retrofitting. We know we don't even get close to good Euro standards for appliances used in the home. We know that our climate adjusted insulation and window values lag for years.

I gave my first climate talk in the early 90's sitting on the dias with two nuclear scientists and an elder who did basic analysis for the Aspen Institute, Dr. William Kellogg. He wrote one of the first books on climate adaptations and energy futures. I presented right after his. Showed how reductions could be made.

Even showed that by doing so we could afford to shutter our most vulnerable nuke plants.

( draw your attention to the shuttering of the King Salmon NPS south of Eureka, California which not only was loosing fuel pellets down to the bottom of the containment vessel threatening a true meltdown before TMI but the plant was also in the Cascadia Subduction Earthquake fault zone and less than thirty feet above sea level facing the Pacific.)

Before I would ever consider nuclear power again I would strongly encourage you to get the book Project Drawdown by Paul Hawkins. He wrote also the seminal book called as I seem to recall, the Ecology of Commerce. Project Drawdown gives a very good overview of the issues involved. I once referenced it for a presentation in 2018. We just need to empower the people in every climate zone and lattitude with the wealth of knowledge and the use of energy fees and dividends to enable their household to make reasoned choices. Instead we got the corrupted Build Back Better system which also included still subsidizing the nuclear crime syndicate.

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Good luck to rational Coloradans allowing the nukes. The Jane Fondas (China Syndrome) of the world have had the stage way too long. It is time for some rational thought to prevail.

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Great documentary on the nature of the pro-nuclear fight. Thanks for writing it.

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