Apr 22Liked by Green Leap Forward

I've always thought it would be fun to watch guys like Ripple survive in a non-industrial world. He'd last a couple of days at best.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by Green Leap Forward

To quote our good friend Doomberg as it relates to the good doctor, "you first."

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Apr 22Liked by Green Leap Forward

Ira Einhorn wishes you a glorious day too. Like the good professor Ripple, he too would like the planet to be human-free. He started with his girlfriend, but never completed the task.

(I thought Ripple was a cheap wine in the’70s)

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Ripple is also a Grateful Dead song.

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Well that explains it. I quit the deadhead scene when Jerry Garcia started flirting with my girlfriend at the time.

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Earth is cooler with the atmosphere, water vapor, 30% albedo not warmer.

Ubiquitous GHE heat balance graphics use bad math & badder physics.

The kinetic heat transfer modes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules render impossible a BB surface upwelling and looping “extra” LWIR energy for the GHE.

Consensus science has a well-documented history of being wrong & abusing those who dared to challenge it. (Bruno, drawn & quartered)

GHE & CAGW are wrong so alarmists resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship & violence.

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