"Protesters don't like that they have to do this either." This is their thing, those with a savior complex take the weight of the world on their shoulders and then complain they had to. BS. Thanks for the article. I saw that quote yesterday and rolled my eyes at it.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Green Leap Forward

Good write-up. Thanks for making it public. Leon Simon... a piece of work that one. Seems the street protests have made their mark and so long as police refuse to enforce it (or Governments allow it with permits) then, as has been proven in the past, it will come to blows and the wrong people will suffer for it. Read somewhere a couple of eco-activist goofballs cemented their hands to the pavement and are now facing the loss of said appendages. I guess we'll be seeing less of that nonsense. It'll take something similar to stop the road blockades?

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